Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You Might Be In Art School If...

Here's a collection of humorous and frustrating anecdotes from my time (as of yet unfinished) in "art school":

If you have no rational assignments, and therefore no point system, and therefore no way of knowing your grade until it's too late... you might be in art school.

If your discussions almost always end up feeling like a philosophy class instead of an art class ... you might be in art school.

If 90% of the male population of your class is bearded... you might be in art school.

If you often feel as if you are the only sane person on campus... you might be in art school.

If your Facebook statuses within a 30 minute window of the start of class always include: "Ugh. Damn. Hate." and "get me out of this class" ... you might be in art school.

If you look up from your iPod during class only to find it's nearly over ... you might be in art school.

If you look up from your iPod during class only to find it's been 5 minutes ... you might be in art school.

If most of the women look like men and most of the men look like women ... you might be in art school.

If your teacher hates any and everything you pitch to them ... you might be in art school.

If the same teacher is shown 12 minutes of black film and says, verbatim "I actually liked most of it" ... you might be in art school.

So, these are just a few rants I have based on this class I'm currently in. In fact, the very last one of those happened today. The teacher had nothing good to say about anyone else's films, then this kid showed 12 minutes of black film, which he hand processed, so there were smudgy bits and very, very, very minisucle bits of light on it, and the teacher says, "I actually liked most of it" after we had all spent 35 minutes trying to figure out why the hell he shot this, why we were watching it, what the point was, and the meaning of the word "is" (yeah, for real).

I looked over to my wife and said, "aaaaaaaaaand that's why I hate this class".

So yeah, HOORAY for art school ... *vomit*